Benchmarking and Cost Analysis Whitepaper
Real-Time, High Throughput, and Low Latency Data Streaming from Oracle to Snowflake using Snowpipe Streaming
Striim offers a highly scalable and extensible Streaming Platform with support for high throughput and low latency data movement across disparate systems.
In this whitepaper, we show how Striim is used to achieve real-time, high throughput, and low latency integration from an Oracle Database to Snowflake tables using Snowpipe Streaming. Striim is a Snowflake
Select Technology Partner delivering fast and seamless real-time data integration into Snowflake.
We present both a performance study and a cost analysis for ingesting high-speed transactional streams into Snowflake in this paper.

Striim: A Snowflake SELECT Partner
As a Select Technology Partner, Striim delivers fast and seamless real-time data integration to Snowflake, accelerating your ability to perform data-driven analytics in the cloud. You will be able to make better, faster business decisions and course-correct current data integration models. You can modernize analytical and database platforms by simplifying data architectures and orchestration. By integrating cloud with on-premises databases, Striim and Snowflake together offer one-stop data integration for improved business intelligence and decision making.

"When we want to build new applications on Striim’s streaming data, it only takes a couple of days — as opposed to months — to deploy."
Rajesh Raju, Director of Data Engineering at Ciena